Telefon: 089 5488075-0


On the road to success

Explore our courses

Want to learn German?

If you would like to learn German for fun, for your job or for university, you can find a suitable course here (face-to-face or online). If there is nothing that sounds right, get in touch with us and we will get back to you with a bespoke offer.

Subsidised Courses

In this section, we provide details of our Integration courses and job-specific language courses which are subsidised by the Ministry for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and the Jobcentre for eligible participants.

Language Exams

We offer a range of internationally recognised German language exams: the Deutschtest für Zuwanderer (DTZ), telc A2 – C1 and TestDaF (paper-based and online). You will also find information about our exam preparation classes here.