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Questions & Answers

What do you need to register for the B1 exam "Deutsch Test für Zuwanderer" at Integra?

A. If you have a voucher for the integration course from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) or Jobcenter and

1. are attending or have attended an integration course at Integra and have not been to any other school:

→ your identity document

2. have taken a placement test at Integra but have not attended a course:
→ your identity document and your voucher (original).

3. have attended an integration course or taken a placement test at another school:
→ your identity document and your voucher (original)

B. If you do not have a voucher for the integration course and have paid for your integration course privately:

→ Your ID document and a confirmation from the other school that you were registered for at least one module in an integration course.

What is an integration course?

Learning the German language is important if you want to live in Germany. The integration course will help you to find work more easily, to be able to fill out applications or simply to meet new people. In addition, the integration course provides you with important information about Germany where you will be living, e.g. history, culture and the German legal system. In addition to the information you will learn about the country, the focus is on learning the language.

How do I find a suitable course?

There are several ways to do this:

  1. You know exactly which module you need because, for example, you have already successfully attended part of the course or have already taken a placement test with another course provider: Simply register with us during our opening hours. You are welcome to get an overview of all our current courses in advance. You can find them here
  2. You have not yet attended a course in Germany: Please make an appointment with us for a placement test or register for it online.

How do I register for an integration course?

Registration for the integration course takes place in three simple steps:

  1. If you do not yet have proof of your current language level, please make an appointment for a placement test. This can be done easily online or by phone.
  2. Bring your certificate of eligibility and your ID card to the placement test. If you are attending privately, your ID card will suffice.
  3. You can register immediately after the placement test. You are welcome to inform yourself in advance about our course offerings. You can find them here. After payment of the course fee for the first 100 lessons as well as a one-time material fee of 15,00 € you will receive your registration confirmation.

Can I be exempted from the costs?

Under certain conditions, you can be completely exempted from a co-payment. The most important prerequisite is that you already have an entitlement to participate.

An exemption is possible upon application if you receive one of the following benefits:

  • SGB-II benefits (unemployment benefit II).
  • SGB X! (social welfare)
  • other benefits (e.g. housing allowance, exemption from GEZ fees, child benefit supplement, holder of a Munich Pass).

We will be happy to advise you on this.

What is the best preparation for the German test for immigrants?

In the last section of the integration course you will be intensively prepared for the exam. To complete this successfully, you should be present in class, actively participate and also practice a lot at home. It is helpful if you also converse in German in your free time, listen to radio programs (news, weather reports, etc.) and make contacts with Germans.

If you are taking the exam without attending a course, we recommend an exam preparation book. You can purchase one of our recommended books at our office.

On the telc GmbH website you can get a free practice test and you also have the possibility to order additional tests. You can find a link here.

Is there childcare available during class?

Unfortunately, childcare is not possible. For insurance reasons, you are not permitted to bring your children to class. If you need childcare, please contact the city of Munich: or the city of Rosenheim (

Is it possible to change to another course provider?

In principle, this is possible after each module. If you want to change your course, please contact us in good time. To register with the new course provider, you will need the original authorization to participate.

What if I have to interrupt the course?

In case of a course interruption, please contact us in time. There can be different reasons for this, e.g. starting a job, moving to another city, longer illness etc.

How and when do the course fees have to be paid?

You pay your first course module (=100 lessons) in CASH at the time of registration together with a flat-rate material fee of €15.00 for the entire course. All further course fees will be debited from your account a few days before the start of a new course module. For this purpose, please sign a direct debit authorization at the time of registration.

What can I do if the course at Integra is too easy or too hard for me?

Please be sure to talk to your course instructor about this. We offer many courses at different levels. We are sure to find a course that suits you better. However, this is only possible if your course instructor agrees.

I have registered with Integra but can not come! What do I have to do?

If you have already registered but cannot come, please cancel your course. Your cancellation must be received by us at least 10 days prior to the start of the course.
You can send your cancellation by mail or fax, or drop it off in person at our office. Please always note a reason for cancellation on it and have our staff confirm receipt. 

What do I do if I do not pass the final test?

Then we will be happy to advise you in a personal meeting. It may be possible to get additional hours approved. We have an application ready for you.

Am I entitled to an integration course?

Whether you are entitled to an integration course depends on various factors:

  1. If you entered Germany before 2005 and have a residence permit of at least one year, you can apply for admission. You can obtain this application from our office.
  2. If you entered after 2005 and have a residence title of at least one year, you have already received authorization to attend from the Foreigners' Registration Office. With this authorization, you can register with us.
  3. If you are an EU citizen, you can submit an application for admission. You can obtain this application from our office.
  4. If you are in the asylum procedure and have been certified as having good prospects of staying (currently if you come from Eritrea, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Somalia) or if you have a toleration permit, you can apply for admission. You can obtain this application from our office. Participation is free of charge for you.
  5. If you do not belong to any of these categories, you have the option of attending a course privately. You will then bear the costs yourself.

If you are not sure, we will be happy to advise you personally. Just drop by our office during opening hours.

What does an integration course cost?

If you have a valid participation permit and have not yet used up all the lessons, a course module costs 220.00 € (2.20 €/lesson). Discounts or a complete exemption from costs is possible. For self-payers one module costs 440,00 (4,40 €/lesson) We will be happy to advise you.

You can find out whether you are entitled to participate in our article Admission&Prices.

Which integration courses does Integra offer?

There are different types of integration courses. At Integra we distinguish between the following types of courses:

General integration course: this is aimed at people who are Latin literate.

Integration course with literacy: This is aimed at people who are either not literate at all or only slightly literate in Latin, e.g. second language learners.

In case of doubt, the placement test decides.

Will I be reimbursed for travel expenses to the integration course?

Under certain conditions, the Federal Office for Migration will reimburse part of your travel costs.

  1. You must already be exempt from the costs (if you have an obligation from the Jobcenter, you are automatically exempt from the costs)
  2. Your place of residence is at least 3 km away from the course location.

Our staff will be happy to make the application together with you. Please note that an approval is bound to the course location, i.e. if you change the course location, you must submit a new application.

After approval by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, you will be reimbursed for your travel costs afterward. Please note that it may take several months between the start of the course and the reimbursement of travel expenses. Reimbursement requires that you attend classes regularly and have no unexcused absences.

What if you don't pass the final exam?

If you fail the final exam, it could be for several reasons. You could have had a bad day. In that case, we recommend that you retake the exam. However, it could also be that you still have too many deficits, which should at best be compensated for by attending another course. We will clarify with you whether further support is possible. Everyone has the one-time possibility to receive a contingent of further 300 teaching hours on the application after the 600 supported teaching hours have been used up. We have the application form ready for you.

What can I do if I am dissatisfied?

We want you to feel comfortable with us. Nevertheless, it can happen that something does not run as you would like it to. Please talk to us about it, only in this way we can become better. We will do everything possible to ensure that you are satisfied again.

Who teaches in the integration course?

All teachers in integration courses are highly trained. In order to be allowed to teach in integration courses, the BAMF requires high standards. Without approval, you are not allowed to teach. You can also find all the approval criteria in our download center.

What if I can't come to class?

You may be absent up to two days in a row without providing a medical certificate. From the third day on, we need a certificate from you in any case. Please note that frequent absences put you at risk of not passing the final exam. We reserve the right to exclude you from class if you are frequently absent without excuse.

What if the instructor is sick?

If the teacher becomes ill, we usually try to find a substitute. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. In this case, your course may have to be cancelled. In case of a cancellation you will receive an SMS. For this it is important that we always have up-to-date contact information from you. The cancelled days will of course be made up.

What do I have to do if I want to go on vacation? Are there any vacations?

Avoid vacation times outside of our course vacations, you should only stay away from class in urgent cases, as interruptions will significantly harm your learning progress. You can find the current vacation times here. Absence during class times due to a vacation is considered unexcused. However, please be sure to note that there may be variations to our standard vacation schedule. Please check with your course instructor regarding this.

How can I register for the final test?

You must register for the final exam at least 5 weeks before the exam date. If you attend a course with us, you will usually receive a registration form from your course instructor. This form must be signed and returned to our office at least 5 weeks before the exam. If you are taking the DTZ exam, you will also need to sign another form.

What happens after the integration course?

Come to our office, we will arrange it for you to attend a follow-up course right away. If you have successfully completed the course and passed the exams, then the foundation is laid and you have a good basis. In order to gain a professional foothold in Germany, the B1 level is usually not sufficient. The better your German skills, the better your chances of finding a job. For this purpose, we offer job-oriented German courses. Like the integration course, these courses are also funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The requirements are similar. 

Do you have any questions? We are here for you!

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Take the first step!

For more than 30 years, Integra has been supporting people with a migration background in their integration.

Book a consultation

Your personal advisor will help you select the correct course.

Take our placement test

This test will determine your language level quickly and accurately.

Register for your course

Once you are registered, you can get started immediately. 

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